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ABK Asiatic Parrots

USD $17.39
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Product Description

This complete revision of 'A Guide to Asiatic Parrots in Australia' sees the addition of over 70 new colour images of new mutations, and improved text including new genetic tables and more information on nutrition, housing and breeding.


General Management, Housing, Feeding, Breeding, Keeping Records, Ringing, Stock Management, Pairing and Mating, Handraising Asiatic Parrot, Surgical Sexing, Diseases of Asiatic Parrots, Common Health Problems in Asiatic Parrots, Prevention and Control of Disease within the Aviary, Stress and Disease, Basic Rules used to Prevent Disease entering an Aviary, Recognising Disease, Health Check of Newly Acquired Birds, Physical Examination, Quarantine of New Birds, Worm Infestation and Treatment.

Species Covered:
Indian Ringnecked Parrot and its many mutations, the Alexandrine, Plum-headed, Derbyan, Malabar, Slaty-headed, Moustache, Malayan Long-tailed and Blossom-headed Parrot.

Authors: Syd and Jack Smith
Pages: 88
Soft Cover
Publisher: ABK Publications
ISBN: 9780958710251


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